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In 2 Weeks, Black Friday and Cyber Monday will come around again.  

This year, your guests are likely to be shopping for gifts with a keen eye for offers, with experiences being placed high on the wish list. Due to the economic crisis, the Christmas budgets are being squeezed, and many are looking to make a few pounds go a long way. 


With most of those purchases being done online, you need to plan how your guests will discover your offerings. 

Yopto found that email campaigns are the traffic channel with the highest conversion rate during the Black Friday season. You should take advantage of this by sending out email campaigns, before, during and after Black Friday. 


In this article, we share some essential tips to inspire your email marketing creation and maximise your revenue during the Black Friday sales, that you can also apply to your other seasonal campaigns.  


TUTO: A 4 emails workflow that builds excitement + creates urgency.  

In that order, your emails can look like this:  

  1. Teaser email: create excitement and encourage contacts to subscribe to your ‘early access’ list.   
  2. Early access: exclusively sent to the teaser email’s subscribers to reward their early engagement  
  3. Sales on: give access to your deals  
  4. Last chance: make sure no one misses the offers before it ends.  


You can include in your emails 

🎯 Clear and snappy subject line + title  

💡 Information in the body of your Black Friday offer that encourages them to take the deal now, emphasising the promotion using bold text 

🖱️ Call to Action that goes to your direct booking page to make it easy 

📸 inspiring imagery/video that shows what you offer (room, spa, golf…)  

🧐 The offer ending date and your T&C  


Bonus tips 

 Add great reviews in your emails that tell a story about your guest experience. Bonus: search for ‘gift’ term in your review platform and make a selection that adds value to your campaign. GWI found that 41% of millennials say they make decisions about what to book based on reviews. Guests won’t book just because you tell them it’s good, they must know it’s going to be good. 

🎅 Bring that Holiday feeling, guests expect to see something a little bit different during this season. 

🎁 Consider vouchers. It’s a popular way to gift your experience and offers flexibility. 

Set up a countdown timer to create urgency. 

🔍Promote your ”best gifts for the holiday season” to give your guests gift ideas. 


Here’s a little inspiration for you to see how your email could look like: 

hotel email marketing black friday idea

Book a demo to see how you can create personalised Hotel Email Marketing using For-Sight 


To summarise 

  • 4 Email Campaign 
  • Get your guests excited for the season 
  • Bring the ‘Perfect Gift’ idea direct to their inbox 


With For-Sight’s CRM and Marketingplatform, you’re able to:  

  • Design on-brand email campaigns using our easy-to-use email template editor.  
  • Segment your audience to make sure the ‘Early Access’ campaign goes automatically to subscribers.  
  • Create dynamic content in your email templates offering a personalised experience based on the data you hold. 
  • Schedule and automate the entire sequence of email campaigns over the sales period. The initial work of designing your message and email itself will require your marketing team’s expertise. However, automation will put you in a great place where the campaigns will run without you having to lift a finger. ‘Early access’ subscribers can automatically be set up to be attributed as recipients, without you having to add them manually. 
  • Monitor the success of your Black Friday campaigns using our advanced analytics features – whether it’s to track your email performance or the revenue generated by your marketing campaign. 

Contact us for a demo and see how we can help you can take your marketing to the next level, all year round.  


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