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In a time when every guest and every penny matters more than it ever has for hoteliers, GuestRevu and For-Sight understand the need to make the most of and nurture both. The two companies have created a new integration that brings two essential parts of a hotel’s tech stack – customer relationship management tools, and guest feedback and reputation management tools – together in a way that is simple for the hotelier to use, but immensely powerful in their combined potential for implementing marketing and guest loyalty strategies.

Serious hoteliers frequently invest heavily in guest communication and guest feedback, as both are critical to ensuring a great guest experience and optimising return on investment throughout all aspects of hospitality. However, the technologies that facilitate these two elements of hotel-keeping have, until now, been largely kept separate.   


“There’s never been a more important time to come to market than right now in terms of guest communications.”

-Allan Nelson, For-Sight CEO


“The exciting thing for me in the market is that these two types of solutions are very much defined parts of the hotel technology stack, but actually bringing them together like this is not something we’ve seen in the market that much, and I think we’re very excited by the opportunities this provides,” says For-Sight CEO, Allan Nelson. “I think there’s never been a more important time to come to market than right now in terms of guest communications, because it’s absolutely critical.”

Being able to inform guest communication strategy and automation with guest feedback data allows hoteliers to tailor communications to exactly that subset of guests that is most likely to provide optimal ROI in special offers or hyper-targeted advertising.

“I think marrying up guest sentiment with marketing campaigns allows you to become incredibly powerful and targeted in terms of how you approach different segments of guests,” says Chris Alexandre, founder and CEO of GuestRevu. “If you can use the data that is being collected and influence the processing and the campaigns in order to achieve a higher ROI and more success, then it’s an integration that’s incredibly valuable.”


“Data only reaches its true potential if it provides one point of truth”

-David Scott, The Hotel Folk


“Data only reaches its true potential if it provides one point of truth,” agrees David Scott, Chief Executive Officer at The Hotel Folk and one of the users on the integration scheme. “Therefore, the integration of our first party data through For-sight and GuestRevu was a big step in bringing two important data sources together.”

Imagine, for example, being able to identify a specific cohort of patrons who are most likely to contribute ancillary revenue, and targeting them with a special offer of discounted accommodation in leaner months. In this scenario, you could isolate guests who have stayed with you as a couple, live within driving distance, rated your restaurant highly, and have also purchased add ons such as spa treatments, and targeting these guests with a ‘couples weekend away’ special offer. 

This is exactly the sort of use case GuestRevu and For-Sight envisioned when implementing their integration. “I think we’ve both looked at it from the point of view of ‘what do the hotels ultimately want’. The hotels want to keep bringing their guests back, and they want them to tell their friends about what a great experience they’ve had,” explains Allan “So we want to deliver that great experience to them, that first-class experience, and that needs to be reflected in the communications.”

The integration allows data collected via GuestRevu’s award-winning guest feedback system to be automatically fed into For-Sight’s powerful CRM tools, with little to no manual input required from hotel staff. Guest profiles within For-Sight are enriched with data collected via GuestRevu’s customisable feedback surveys, along with a multitude of additional data points collected from other components of the hotel’s tech stack, allowing the hotel to slice and dice their data to identify specific subsets of guests. 

The For-Sight system can then be used to send these guests highly personalised and targeted communications. It can do this both on a manual basis via batch email sends, and the system can also facilitate high degrees of automation when it comes to communications throughout the entire guest journey. 

Through the integration, GuestRevu’s additional features such as pre and in-stay surveys can also be used in these communications, giving hoteliers the opportunity to create a highly personalised and targeted guest-centric experience for their patrons throughout the guest journey, from booking confirmation and pre-stay, to on-site, to post-stay, guest retention and beyond.

Already a For-Sight client? Click here to add GuestRevu

New to both? Enquire about the For-Sight and GuestRevu combo here


About GuestRevu
GuestRevu helps hospitality professionals to listen to, learn from and earn from their guests by enabling them to leverage the power of their guest data to build lasting loyalty and drive revenue. GuestRevu’s mission is to give hospitality professionals award-winning tools that they can use every day to develop a guest-centric culture, optimise their guest experience, the running of their business and, ultimately, to drive revenue using online surveys and reputation management. GuestRevu offers local support in South Africa and the UK, and is a TripAdvisor Platinum Review Collection Partner.

About For-Sight

For-Sight helps hospitality professionals to unlock the guest journey and provide a personalised experience at every touchpoint.

For-Sight unites Hotel technology systems to turn siloed guest data from your Property Management System (PMS) and other transactional systems into a central source of truth for each guest and their journey. For-Sight’s CRM functionality and powerful multi-channel tools allow personalised communication and marketing campaigns to be delivered, at scale, to increase direct revenue, loyalty and engagement. For-Sight is headquartered in Edinburgh, UK.


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