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We would like to reassure all clients and partners of For-Sight that with the appearance of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and following the guidelines issued by public health officials, we are fully prepared and able to continue to provide our full service.

All For-Sight colleagues are able to work remotely with a secure infrastructure and contingency plans in place, across both our Edinburgh Head Office and our Bangor NI site.

We will continue to operate as normal throughout this period.

You will not experience any disruption to the For-Sight application, or the level of support from our Client Services team during this challenging time.

Our partners at dotdigital have also provided similar reassurances, which you can find here.

We are committed to helping hoteliers through these unsettled times and will continue to run support webinars to help with guest engagement as well as continue our work with industry partners.

If we can help in any way please reach out to your Account Manager or email


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